Prevention Partnerships has produced a wide range of publications for many different clients and audiences, including research reports, recommendations, event summaries, curricula, and resource guides. To see an extensive list please click on the CLIENTS tab.
click on thumbnails below to Read articles authored by john rosiak.
How School-Based Law Enforcement Can Engage in Restorative Practices. Journal of School Safety (publication of the National Association of School Resource Officers). Summer 2021.
How to Make Sound Decisions about School-based Law Enforcement. Journal of School Safety Spring 2021.
School-based Law Enforcement: When School is Online. Journal of School Safety. Winter 2020.
Governing School District Police Departments. Journal of School Safety. Forthcoming, Fall 2020.
Mobile” or “Assigned”? Pros and Cons of Two Different Models of Placing SROs. COPS Dispatch, U.S. Department of Justice, August 2020.
Your SRO MOU: A Better Process = A Better MOU. Journal of School Safety. Summer 2020.
“Mobile” or “Assigned”? Pros and Cons of Two Different Models of Deploying SROs. Translational Criminology, George Mason University’s Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy. Spring 2020.
Arming Educators: Insights from the Field. Journal of School Safety. Spring 2020.
Essential Partners for Student Health and Safety: Round Table Discussion with School Nurses and School Resource Officers. Co-authored with Mary Louise Embrey, formerly with the National Association of School Nurses. January 2020.
SROs and School Nurses: Natural Partners. Journal of School Safety. Co-authored with Mary Louise Embrey, formerly with the National Association of School Nurses. Winter 2019.
How SRO Programs Can Benefit from Research. Journal of School Safety . Co-authored with Dr. Timothy Servoss. Summer 2019.
What’s in Your MOU? Journal of School Safety. Spring 2019.
How SRO Programs Can Actually Divert Youth from Pipeline. Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, Youth Today. October 2018.
How Students Can Help SROs and Others Avert School Violence. Co-author. Journal of School Safety. Summer 2018.
Lessons Learned from Averted Acts of Violence in Schools. Co-author. Journal of School Safety. Winter 2017. Also published in Campus Safety Magazine. July 2018.
5 Things to Consider Before Posting Cops in Schools. Journal of School Safety. Winter 2017.
“Do Cops Belong in Schools?” Education Week. October 2017.
Tools SROs Use to Document Their Activities, Parts 1 and 2. Journal of School Safety. Spring and Summer 2017 issues.
Action Steps to Strengthen Your School-Law Enforcement Partnership. Journal of School Safety. Winter 2016.
Forging the Police-School Relationship to Decrease Student Arrests. Police Chief Magazine (publication of the IACP). September 2016.
Pillars of 21st Century Youth-focused Policing. COPS Dispatch. April 2016.
21C Youth-Focused Policing. Co-author. Police Chief Magazine. March 2016.
SRO Programs: Collaborating with Juvenile Justice Partners. Journal of School Safety. Spring 2016.
SROs Share How Mental Health Training Helps Divert Youth from the Justice System. Journal of School Safety. Winter 2016.
How a Model SRO Program Diverts Youth from the Justice System. Journal of School Safety. Fall 2015.
Lessons from the Field: How SRO Programs are Diverting Youth from the Juvenile Justice System. Journal of School Safety. Summer 2015.
How SROs Can Divert Students from the Justice System. COPS Dispatch. May 2015.
How SROs Can Divert Students from the Juvenile Justice System. Journal of School Safety. Spring 2015.
Navigating Information Sharing: The Role of the District Attorney. Lex Quod Ordo, Association of Prosecuting Attorneys. Winter 2015.
Governing Your SRO Programs. Journal of School Safety. Winter 2014.
School Resource Officers: Benefits and Challenges (publication presented at the Oxford Roundtable in July 2014).
School Resource Officers: Steps to effective school-based law enforcement. Co-author. 2013.
Law Enforcement Support for Safe School Environments: A Snapshot from Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiatives. Co-author. 2013.
School Resource Officers Navigating Information Sharing. Co-author. COPS Dispatch. June 2013.
A Day in the Life of a School Resource Officer. COPS Dispatch. April 2013.
Domestic Violence Awareness Program, “Supporting Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: a Facilitator’s Guide to Creating a Coordinated Response in Elementary Schools.” Co-author. Developed for the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, 2011.
Sustaining the SRO Position in Tough Financial Times, Journal of School Safety. Spring 2011 edition.
Developing Safe Schools Partnerships with Law Enforcement. Forum on Public Policy Online, Journal of the Oxford Roundtable. Spring 2009 edition. (Publication presented at the Oxford Roundtable in 2009.)
Developing Safe Schools Partnerships: Spotlight on Law Enforcement conference poster session/handout.
Developing Safe Schools Partnerships: Spotlight on Juvenile Justice conference poster session/handout.
Developing Safe Schools Partnerships: Spotlight on Juvenile Justice and Mental Health conference poster session/handout.
Building on the Consensus: School Safety is Everyone’s Business. The Journal of School Safety. Winter 2007.